Tuesday, 28 January 2014

>>>Tips to Stay Motivated When u're on Diet...

at 18:45
At the beginning of the month, many of you made New Year's resolutions to lose weight and get into shape. If you want to stick to your diet resolutions beyond the one-month mark, checked out 5 tips from Shape Magazine on how to stay motivated when you're on diet.

1) Surround Yourself with Health
Stage your home to reflect the new (lighter) you. Stock and organize the fridge with healthy, prepped foods in clear containers, present fruit in beautiful bowls on counter tops, get a shoe rack to display your sneakers right by the front door, keep the dirty laundry off exercise equipment, etc. Adjusting your environment to reflect your intentions can make it that much easier to stay on track.
2) Quiz Yourself
Answering these questions often helps to boost motivation just enough to remind you of why you started the diet in the first place:-
If I stop my diet, how will I look in six months or one year from now?
If I stop my diet, how will I feel in six months or one year from now?
If I stop my diet, what will my health be like?
If I stop my diet, how will my family and friends be affected?
3) Hang Your Motivation Dress
Putting a special piece of your wardrobe on display is a great daily motivator. Pick something you'll look forward to wearing and hang it where you will see it everyday.
4) Ditch the Daily Weigh-In
The scale can be a helpful tool for measuring your progress, but many people get in the habit of weighing themselves too often. Daily weigh-ins (or multiple weigh-ins per day) will only sap your motivation with a roller coaster of emotions and can cause you to freak out by temporary up-ticks in the scale.Expert recommends stepping on the scale once a week—or even every two weeks—to better track your progress.
5) Recruit Gift Givers
Rewarding yourself with gifts along the way is great in theory but tough in practice—your schedule is already jam-packed! Make it more fun and realistic by getting your friends and families involved.

Let's stay motivated!!

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