Friday, 31 January 2014

>>>Tips to Kitchen Cleaning...

at 08:30
Cleaning up the kitchen is part of cooking. Not only is it easier to cook and bake in a clean kitchen, but clean surfaces and storage containers will keep your family healthier and safer. Check-out the 5 tips about Kitchen Cleaning.

1) Blender Cleaning Secret
After you pour the content, take the pitcher straight to the sink. Put in a little water and a drop of dish soap, put it back on the blender, and turn it on for 20 seconds. Rinse it out and you’re done.
2) Microwave Cleaning 
The quickest way to clean a microwave oven is to place a handful of wet paper towels inside and run it on High for 3-5 minutes. The steam from the towels will soften the grime. Once the paper towels cool down, use them to wipe the oven's interior.
3) Clean Cast Iron with Salt
To clean a cast-iron pan, add 2 tablespoons of oil and place on medium heat. Once the pan is heated, pour in 3 tablespoons of salt. Next, using a tong to hold a paper towel, scour until clean. Finally, rinse and coat with vegetable oil to cure. Done!
4) Burned Food on a Pan
Add some dish soap and 1/2" of water. Bring to a boil, then let the liquid cool in the pan. The burned food will be easy to remove.
5) Washing order
You want to wash your dishes from least greasy to most greasy, which usually looks like this:
first wash your glassware and any drinking vessels,
then wash your cutlery,
then wash your plates and bowls and such,
then wash greasy stuff like serving dishes and any really greasy items, and finally
wash your pots and pans.

2 comments on ">>>Tips to Kitchen Cleaning..."

CheguZam on 2 February 2014 at 15:22 said...

Nice tips you have here, visit me at

Unknown on 2 February 2014 at 23:47 said...

Thanks for visiting...

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