Do you know how much you have to consume everyday? Actually, there's no one-size-fits-all rule. However, doctors recommend 8 or 9 cups a day.
If you want specific amount based on your weight, here's 1 simple calculation for you. Take you weight (in kgs) and divide it with 30. This is a minimum water in take. To get the maximum, just add 2 more litres.
Example: Weight is 60KG
Water intake range will be 2 to 4 litres of water per day. (Do the math yourself :))
If you're finding it hard to drink more water, here are 5 tips to ensure you get more..
1) Flavor Your Water
2) Keep it handy
Keep a reusable water bottle that you like and tote it everywhere with you. You can fill it up before you leave home and then refill it when you find a water fountain.
3) Eat Water-Rich Foods
Most foods contain some water and as a result, we get about 20 percent of our day’s water needs from foods. Even though there’s no a good way to measure how much liquid you’re getting from food, you can boost overall fluid intake by eating more fruits and veggies, which naturally have a high water content.
4) Drink Up if You're Hungry or Tired
Sometimes you think you’re hungry when you’re actually thirsty. Instead of grabbing a snack, drink one to two glasses of water and re-evaluate how you feel. Fatigue can be a sign of mild dehydration.
5) Use Phone Apps to monitor your water intake
The simplest way to monitor your water intake is by downloading free apps from your Play Store. There are a lot of application that can reminds you to drink water every day and tracks your water drinking habits. Some features a graphical records and some provides more tips for healthy drinking habits.Benefits of drinking enough water:-
1)Keeps you young
2) Helps Lose Weight
3) Makes you smarter
4) Keeps your joints strong & lunricated
5) Removes toxins from our body
Stay healthy and drink enough water!!
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