Saturday, 18 January 2014

>>>Tips to Boost Health...

at 00:57
Let us try some smaller, instant ways to boost our health via natural, cheap & easy method. Small habits we adopt on a daily basis that really make the difference in ourlife.

Here are the 5 tips :-

1) Time-out
Just take five minutes to get into a relaxed state every day. Sit in a quiet spot and take a mental vacation: Picture a favorite place—a beach scene, our childhood home—and concentrate on the colors, smells and sounds. Relaxation techniques like this one are proven to help lower stress hormones, heart rate and blood pressure levels.
2) Sun
It's not surprising we feel tired when we're stuck inside a cold office with fluorescent lighting. Sun exposure improves our overall mood. Sneak outside to soak up some sunshine for 15 minutes (but not too much!!).
3) Laugh
A good dose of the giggles is infectious and makes us even happier when we're with others, so get some friends or colleagues together and watch a funny clip to boost everyone's mood. Taking five minutes out to watch a funny video will help us relax, take our day less seriously, and release some natural feel-good chemicals at the same time.
4) Shower
Do you know that standing under cold water tells the brain to release feel-good hormones like serotonin which decreases the likelihood of stress. Stress contributes to high blood pressure and heart disease so in addition to feeling good, it’s good for our heart.
5) Water
Drinking plenty of water will help prevent urinary infections, improve the condition of our skin, flush system and keep kidneys in tip-top condition. There’s another added benefit to drinking water: weight loss.

Let's practice!!

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